Cloudy, breezy and still with a lot of structure in the section: This is what female office clothes with class.
Now he is so finally here, the summer in Germany. For those who do not have the opportunity to spend the hottest days at the lake or the sea, business attire can be challenging these days soon.
For it is not so easy to be summery dress and still make a professional impression at a desk, in a meeting or during the presentation. The endless summer days that I was allowed to bring in sweltering heat in the office, at client meetings or conferences, I have developed over the years, my own strategy on how I adjust my job outfits. This experience I have summarized for you in 6 Fashion Tips for hot business days. Here we go :
1. Stay professional, by never showing too much skin!
This is probably the biggest trap for business outfits par excellence : the temptation to counter the heat with clothing that shows more skin than is good for you or your professional advancement. You must avoid too deep neckline, a short skirt to open shoes.
I think if you are fashion – interested, we do not talk about the appropriateness of spaghetti straps, shorts or flip- flops in everyday work ( if it does : Let there ). There are also relatively common – and often unwanted – faux pas, as too much transparency or bra straps and other parts of your underwear revealing flashes. But what is not always known : even sleeveless looks, legs without stockings, a skirt length that is shorter than an inch above the knee, or shoes that show your toes, are frowned upon in many a conservative business environment.
If you are unsure what is still o.k., then you are geared to the female executives in your company in these details!
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